Monday, September 6, 2010

abbotsford photographer : personal reflection on the summer of puppies

Tomorrow marks the beginning of fall for me.  It's back to school for kids (and I will always associate September with this, no matter how long I'm out of school) and the start of a new internship job for me, as well.
As I look back on the summer, it has definitely been the summer of puppies.  My mom decided to breed the family dog (a Maltese) and 3 new little guys came along.  They were definitely a huge part of my summer, as my parents went on vacation for 2 weeks in August and it was my job to take care of the puppies.  As I write this, one has gone to a new home and the other two are awaiting theirs.
Here's 2 photos to show off their cuteness:

This is one a few weeks ago

and here's one from last week (with Amadora, one of my favorite girls in the world!)
cuteness overload!!

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