Sunday, February 27, 2011

lower mainland photography: one cold Saturday afternoon

Yesterday, I had the privilege of being part of a really fun photoshoot.  A fellow photographer, Cecilia Flaming, organized a "Trash the Dress/Re-live the Dress" event for a bunch of models to wear their wedding gowns, or grad style gowns, while a paparazzi sized group took photos of them.  Granted, we weren't usually all taking pics of the same person at once... she had us split into photographer and model groups to switch off, so we could get chances to work with different people.  There were also some gorgeous girls in casual and guys all suited up that modeled for us.  

Here is a sneak peak of some of my favorite shots with some of my models (Elya and Lindsay).

Props to all of us for braving the cold wind and snow - especially to you models who were wearing far fewer layers than us photogs!  Thank you so much to everyone involved.

Monday, November 1, 2010

abbotsford photographer: autumn colours

I have to admit that Fall isn't my favorite season of the year, but there are certainly some beautiful colors in the leaves!

Monday, October 11, 2010

abbotsford photographer : happy thanksgiving

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

We are blessed with so incredibly much in this country, and although my collage below shows mostly food, we are certainly blessed with more than just that!
Many of the photos were taken at my recent trip to WillowView Farms in Abbotsford.

Monday, September 6, 2010

abbotsford photographer : personal reflection on the summer of puppies

Tomorrow marks the beginning of fall for me.  It's back to school for kids (and I will always associate September with this, no matter how long I'm out of school) and the start of a new internship job for me, as well.
As I look back on the summer, it has definitely been the summer of puppies.  My mom decided to breed the family dog (a Maltese) and 3 new little guys came along.  They were definitely a huge part of my summer, as my parents went on vacation for 2 weeks in August and it was my job to take care of the puppies.  As I write this, one has gone to a new home and the other two are awaiting theirs.
Here's 2 photos to show off their cuteness:

This is one a few weeks ago

and here's one from last week (with Amadora, one of my favorite girls in the world!)
cuteness overload!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

nate & maja's wedding

Here's a go at my first photo blot post.  It's daunting, and it's taking a lot longer than I had anticipated it being!  But I'm gonna make it!

I had the privilege of photographing Nate and Maja's beautiful wedding a few weeks ago.  I've known Nate since we were 5 years old, so it was really special to do this wedding.  Who would've known back then that 20 years later, I'd be taking pictures of him and his bride!

They got married in a beautiful Danish church in Burnaby.  It had tall, rounded ceilings, beautiful window light, and even model ships hanging from the ceiling next to the chandeliers!


After the ceremony, we took a few pictures of the bridal party and both sides of the families in front of the church and then drove to a nearby park for some more photos.  The girls were very cooperative in their high heels and dresses and were even willing to climb up a big rock to pose for my ideas.  The guys didn't have it so hard (pants are more forgiving!) but were just as cooperative!

Here they are doing their "jazz hands!"


Here are a few more of my favorites from the day

Look at how cute the bridesmaids' shoes are!!  Maja picked really great details for their wedding.  
She was dazzling in a beautiful dress and feather accent in her hair.

Thank you, Nate and Maja, for allowing me to be a part of your special day.  I wish you all the best and years and years of happiness and love together.  

P.S.  Now I just have to figure out how to get the best image quality for blogging!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

trying out the photography blog

So everyone tells me I should start a photography blog.  To be honest, I've kind of dragged my way here.  I've tried blogging before and it never really lasted... I would write a few blogs here and there and there they would sit.  So I can't promise anything here, but we'll see where this goes!  In this blog, I'll post some favorite photos from photo sessions, write about thoughts and inspirations and ideas and maybe add some personal stuff in there, too.